Apex Litigation Finance report positive market adoption of non-recourse litigation for lower value claims in its first year
Since the launch of its first fund in late 2019, the firm has successfully invested in 32 pieces of litigation, with anticipated claim values ranging from £30,000 to £27,000,000. Claim types have included financial mis-selling, professional negligence, intellectual property/copyright, shareholder disputes, breach of contract, contentious probate, group claims and various insolvency related matters.
Apex say that the positive response from investors confirms the attractiveness of a non-recourse model for lower value cases. Its first investor fund closed at the beginning of 2020, and within 12 months it had committed over two thirds of the available capital into funding cases. The firm believes its ability to attract applications and convert enquiries into funded cases further demonstrates the viability of its non-recourse model.
The other significant feature of Apex’s first year has been its commitment to using technology to increase efficiency and reduce costs. By integrating artificial intelligence (AI) legal predictive claim analysis into its business model, Apex have significantly reduced total claim analysis costs – for the firm and its clients.
Apex initially partnered with a third-party AI development team, but in late 2020 brought development in-house. This has allowed Apex to create a tool which will continue to grow with the company and add greater value to its future funding proposition.
Many of the currently invested claims are expected to settle by the end of 2021. Model simulation tests predict a minimum 75-80% positive outcome, which Apex aims to enhance through a rigorous review and fluid investment process.
Maurice Power, CEO at Apex says: “I fully expect 2021 to see Apex firmly established as one of the litigation funders of choice. Plans are already advanced to grow the company, our share of the litigation funding market and the development of our technology.
“Building on our experience in litigation funding, legal review, AI and fund management, we have been successful in developing an investment team that we believe is unique within the industry. Our second investor fund is on course to launch this year and is projected to raise a minimum of ten times the amount secured in the first fund.”
Apex Litigation Finance report positive market adoption of non-recourse litigation for lower value claims in its first year
Litigation funding specialists, Apex Litigation Finance have announced the appointment of Stephen Allinson, Solicitor and Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, as their new Head of Legal.
Stephen is a credit, debt and insolvency specialist who has worked in the field since 1987. His extensive background also includes setting up his own consultancy and before that he was a Business Recovery and Insolvency Partner at a major law firm. As well as acting as a consultant within the legal field, Stephen also pursues other projects in the legal, insolvency and credit fields, and is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Law.
In addition to Stephen’s extensive licensed insolvency work, he has also been an Associate Member of the Association of Property and Fixed Charge Receivers. A multi-disciplinary consultancy whose council is selected through leading members of combined professions, to offer professional support in property, legal and insolvency matters.

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